Animals ebooks

How to Build Your Birdhouse
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Reviewed by radheradhe on 2019-01-25
My Rate 4
If you are the Animal Lover specially the bird lover and you have birds in your house and you want to build house for them then this book"How to build Your Birdhouse "is for you as it gives detail about the building of bird house.
Reviewed by ENTR AVINASH HASIJA on 2018-10-14
My Rate 5
I love this book Trees and how to build your bird house as it has given lots of ideas to make house of bird which i have which previously i didnot have great ideas
thats why i will give 5stars to it
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Title: How to Build Your Birdhouse
Author: Peter Wodehouse
Endless ideas and easy to follow birdhouse construction plans
If you are someone who loves wild birds how would you like to attract different species to your own back yard? Just like the movie classic, if you build the right house they will come.
It's true. If you create the right environment for a particular bird it's as if you sent out engraved invitations to the right birds. And as any guest, they will welcome your hospitality.
Our environment continues to become degraded with natural habitats for wildlife declining at an alarming rate. Beginning a hobby that leads to helping our feathered friends to flourish is not only personally rewarding but is also environmentally sound.
What you need to know!
First you must know what birds you would like to attract. That entails a bit of research. Fortunately, everything you need to know to develop this hobby is available in "How to Build Your Birdhouse."
Did you know that every species of bird has special preferences about the type of nest or birdhouse that it will use? Tree swallows, wrens, and bluebirds prefer single unit, enclosed birdhouses.
Bluebirds and tree swallows prefer open areas with fewer shrubs and trees while wrens prefer nesting in boxes close to shrubs. Phoebes and robins like a sheltered platform, rather than closed nest boxes.
Anyone can do it!
Building birdhouses is very easy when you know how and "How to
... Click here to read the full description!Rating: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ (4.5 after 2 votes)

Caring For Your New Pet Hamster
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Title: Caring For Your New Pet Hamster
Author: Tracy Yates
Considering A Hamster As A Pet
The hamster kept as pet most often is the Golden Hamster, also called Syrian Hamster. So-called Teddybear or Black Bear hamsters are also breeds of golden hamsters.
But also four species of smaller hamsters are popular pets, often called dwarf hamsters. These are Roborovski hamster, (Phodopus roborovskii) often called Roborovski, the chinese striped hamster (Cricetulus griseus) and the two subspecies of Phodopus sungorus, the winter white russian dwarf hamster (Phodopus sungorus sungorus) and Campbell's dwarf hamster (Phodopus sungorus campellii).
The care of the dwarf hamsters is similar to that of the golden hamster, but there are differences in feeding and housing needs and temperament. Winter whites and Campell's are fairly popular, in the US the campells more so than the whinter whites, while it's other way round in Europe.
Roborovski and Chinese striped Hamsters are somewhat more difficult to breed and keep, they are usually only available from breeders, and therefore limited to serious rodentia fans.
- Housing For Your New Hamster
- Considering A Hamster As A Pet
- Hamsters And Gnawing (Biting)
- Feeding Your Hamster
- Exercise For Your Hamster
- The Life Of Your Hamster
- More Information On Hamsters
Rating: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ (4 after 1 votes)

BIG Book of Puppy Names
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Title: BIG Book of Puppy Names
Your Puppy's Name Says A Lot About Them...And YOU...Get It Right The First Time!
Choose The Perfect Name For Your New Pup, No Matter What Their Breed, By Having Hundreds Of Names Right At Your Fingertips To Select From!
Dear New Pet Owner,
Deciding on a brand new pet's name can be a daunting task. Especially when you really don't know what names are available. There are literally thousands of names to choose from! So you can see how this becomes less fun and more of a "chore" when trying to pick the one and final name for your new family member.
Well, this task has just become fun again!
With the BIG Book of Puppy Names, you can sit down with all your family members and look over this extensive list together. Then come up with the names you like best from our list of hundreds of fun pet puppy names. Even print out a copy or copies right from your printer so that everyone can see the super list and pick their favorites.
With this little ebook, you'll never be at a loss when trying to choose a name for your new puppy. And, you don't have to be a Pit Bull pup owner to find a name for your puppy with this ebook. You can find a name for any puppy or breed of puppy from inside these pages.
As a matter of fact, you will see different dog breed images throughout this ebook. So, this naming guide is for anyone and everyone who owns a dog!
The names have been... Click here to read the full description!
Rating: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆

BIG Book of Pit Breeders
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Title: BIG Book of Pit Breeders
Author: Tracy Yates
See Firsthand Why Pit Bulls Are NOT Vicious!
By Purchasing Your Very Own Pit Bull Puppy!
Find the perfect, well behaved, loveable puppy from a list of more than 247+ Online Kennels and Breeders!
Dear Future Pit Bull Owner,
Making the decision to own a dog breed that has been dubbed a "vicious killer" is a big step! Even though the previous name-sake is completely false, there are some "backyard breeders" that don't make this glorious breed's temperment a high priority.
Or worry about such imperative things as championship bloodlines, health, and most importantly behavior! Reputable, reliable Breeders and Kennels DO! But finding the right one can be a time consuming task.
That's exactly why I have compiled this list of quality breeders for you!
With the BIG Book of Pit Breeders, you can search every Kennel or Breeder listed and find just the right one that carefully breeds each and every litter of Pit pups ensuring high quality and low ferocity! There are 263 different listings to browse through, so you are sure to find just the right Kennel to purchase your pup from.
This phenomenal list of Pit Bull Breeders and Kennels would have taken you long hours of tedious searching to compile yourself. But, not any more! Get each of these fantastic website listings all in one, easy to browse PDF ebook. Making it available to everyone no matter what computer operating system you run!
... Click here to read the full description!Rating: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆

The Birding Manual
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Title: The Birding Manual
As your appreciation of birding grows, as we know it will, so will the need for more advanced information on the different species of birds. The Birding Manual provides just that with over 700 pages of in-depth descriptions of every North American bird. The Birding Manual takes you from being the casual backyard birdwatcher to becoming an avid birdwatcher. It won't be long and you will be planning trips to bird sanctuaries and other parts of the country, so you and your family can hone your birdwatching skills and The Birding Manual will be one of the first things you will want to take with you.
Contents of "The Birding Manual"
LOONS-Order: Gaviiformes
Family: Gaviidae
- Pacific Loon Gavia pacifica
- Red-throated Loon Gavia stellata
- Common Loon Gavia immer
- Yellow-billed Loon Gavia adamsii
GREBES-Order: Podicipediformes
Family: Podicipedidae
- Pied-billed Grebe Podilymbus podiceps
- Least Grebe Tachybaptus dominicus
- Horned Grebe Podiceps auritus
- Eared Grebe Podiceps nigricollis
- Red-necked Grebe Podiceps grisegena
- Western Grebe Aechmophorus occidentalis
- Clark's Grebe Aechmophorus clarkii
Albatrosses-Family: Diomedeidae
- Black-footed Albatross Phoebastria nigripes
- Laysan Albatross
Rating: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆

Habitats For Birds
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Title: Habitats For Birds
As you learn to enjoy the beauty of birdlife around your home, you may wish to improve the "habitat" in your yard so that more birds will visit your property. It doesn't matter where you live - in an apartment, townhouse or single family dwelling, in the city, suburbs or country. Just stand still and you'll hear them: wild birds. It is hard to imagine life without them. And you can watch them just about everywhere. The most convenient place to start is right in your own yard. Habitats For Birds tells you how to create an inviting place for birds to visit and enjoy.
Among the fondest and most memorable moments of childhood are the discoveries of songbirds nesting in the backyard. The distinctive, mud-lined nests of robins and their beautiful blue eggs captivate people of all ages. Likewise, the nesting activities of house wrens, cardinals, chickadees, and other common birds can stimulate a lifelong interest in nature.
As you learn to enjoy the beauty of birdlife around your home, you may wish to improve the "habitat" in your yard so that more birds will visit your property. You can attract birds by placing bird feeders, nest boxes, and bird baths in your yard, and by planting a variety of trees, shrubs, and flowers. These can provide good nesting sites, winter shelter, places to hide from predators and natural food supplies that
... Click here to read the full description!Rating: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆

Bee Keeping
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Title: Bee Keeping
Dear Friend,
Beekeeping can be a fascinating hobby or you can turn it into a lucrative business. The choice is yours. You need to know some basics to help you get started. The equipment needed to be a beekeeper. Where can you find the equipment you need? The best location for the hives. You can't just put bees in any spot. What needs to be considered when picking the location for your bees?
The best place to get your bees. How do bees come in a package? Or do you have to catch your own? What are the challenges of beekeeping? What are the special needs of the bee that will ensure a good honey crop? Will there be a return on my investment into beekeeping? You want to discover to be a beekeeper. You want to master the art of making honey. It is important to have the correct information needed to start your new hobby. Without information we would all be floundering in the dark.
Knowing where and how to start will prevent you from making costly mistakes. Where do you find the information you need to get started in beekeeping? When you do find the information, there are 10 different ebooks to read?
How can you get it all in one place?
You want the information to be easy to read simple to understand and all in one place. You need:
An easy to read summary...
And Beginner's Beekeeping Bible
With the Beginner's Beekeeping Bible you can discover to become a beekeeper. It will teach you the things you need
... Click here to read the full description!Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆

Birding For Everyone Package
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Title: Birding For Everyone Package
Among the fondest and most memorable moments of childhood are the discoveries of songbirds nesting in the backyard. The distinctive, mud-lined nests of robins and their beautiful blue eggs captivate people of all ages. Likewise, the nesting activities of house wrens, cardinals, chickadees, and other common birds can stimulate a lifelong interest in nature. The Birding For Everyone package provides you with the information you need to start a fascinating new hobby that will provides hours of joy for you and your family.
The Birding Manual
As your appreciation of birding grows, as we know it will, so will the need for more advanced information on the different species of birds. The Birding Manual provides just that with over 700 pages of in-depth descriptions of every North American bird. The Birding Manual takes you from being the casual backyard birdwatcher to becoming an avid birdwatcher. It won't be long and you will be planning trips to bird sanctuaries and other parts of the country, so you and your family can hone your birdwatching skills and The Birding Manual will be one of the first things you will want to take with you.
... Click here to read the full description!
Rating: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆

Keeping Ducks
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Title: Keeping Ducks
Thinking about owning ducks?...
Learn How You Can Raise & Take Care Of Ducks, Even If You Have No Experience!
Dear Friend,
You probably would have never thought about raising a duck or two. How many people do you know that have the time to do it? Not many, right? How many ebooks can you find out there that will show you the right things that you need to do to keep your animals alive for years to come? Not many, right?
This report will show you how you can easily raise and take care of ducks. You will be able to avoid the blunders that other people have done and end up killing their beloved animals! Of course, they were honest mistakes, but still................... If you are going to spend time doing this, you might as well do it the right way.
Keeping Ducks (The Secret to Successfully Raising & Keeping Ducks), will show you the right steps that you need to take to properly raise and take care of ducks like they are your children. This report provides you with enough information that can help you get on the right track.
You have probably spent a lot of time looking for information and just ran into a brick wall. This is something unique that you don't find many people doing. However, it's ok to get out of the box and try something different. So if you like ducks, then this is the report for you.
In order to do the right things when you are raising
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆

Horse Training
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Title: Horse Training
What do you know about training a horse...
Discover The Secrets to Becoming A Horse Trainer!
Dear Friend,
You have wanted a horse for years, but didn't have a place to keep it. Now you have the land and you want to buy a horse or maybe you have already bought the horse, you just don't know anything about training a horse. You don't know where to start and you don't want to hire a trainer because you want to be a big part of the training.
You are wondering if you have to go to school to learn to train a horse or do you learn from watching videos or even by just reading a book. Will a book tell you everything you need to know? For that matter will a video give you all the ins and outs of training a horse?
You know a little about riding, but those horses were already trained. You have never even been around an untrained horse. How hard can it be? You love animals and you love horses and horseback riding. You have plenty of room for a horse now. You talked to a trainer about training a horse, but he won't let you be there while he is training the horse. You really want to be in on the training. So the only solution you can think of is to train the horse yourself. You have to learn but you can do it. It shouldn't be that hard. You will have to do some reading up on the subject, maybe even several books and there are probably videos too you can watch.
So that is it you are going to
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
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